The second one is Weaponsmithing which is only available for Quincy. The first one is Fabrication which is only available for Diana. There's also two special versions of Craftsmanship in the Heartland. ■ Drill Instruction unlocks Superior Defenses facility upgrade, which improves base defenses and allows training drills. It's only available for Captain Logan and it's the only Community Skill in the game that can't be specialized. ■ Drill Instruction is a unique Community Skill only available in the Heartland. There is also a unique Community Skill in Heartland called Drill Instruction They can be leveled up by using appropriate Facility Actions or by using the same Textbooks you can use for learning them. These skills are granted by certain Traits or can be learned with appropriate Textbooks. Each of them provides the knowledge of a profession which are required for building and upgrading certain Facilities and using certain Facility Actions within your Homesite. ■ Vigilance is also a Discipline specialization, but with Enemy Detection Range bonus. ■ Tactics is the ultimate Wits specialization: It combines all 4 basic specializations. ■ Scavenging is a Scouting specialization with daily Parts income for the community. ■ Obsession is a Discipline specialization with extra Max Stamina and bonus against Fatigue Severity. ■ Field Testing is a Resourcefulness specialization with a Healing Item Efficacy bonus. *** Special versions ของ Wits 4 คน พบได้ใน Heartland และอีก 1 คน คือ Red Talon Contractors The fifth one is Tactics which is only available for Red Talon Contractors. Four of these are only available for certain characters in the Heartland (Field Testing for Brock, Obsession for Isaac, Scavenging for Diana, and Vigilance for Vic). There are also five Special versions of Wits.