This Leader Membership grants you access to all supporting materials for the BecomingMomStrong Bible Study.MOMSTRONG INTERNATIONAL LEADER MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: John will be teaching in the Members Exclusive Facebook Group.
Every week (typically), Lord willing, Heidi St. Access to an EXCLUSIVE Bible Study Members Facebook Group!. conversation prompts for various age groups. note taking pages specific for each study. MOMSTRONG INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDY MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS:Ĥ8 weeks of Bible studies taught by women who love the Word and love teaching. Group to interact with other members doing the Scripture Writing Challenge. Scripture writing challenge, designed monthly. In other words, He wants you to be MomStrong! So if you’re feeling tired or inadequate today, get ready to find new strength as you join a multitude of women and myself in Becoming MomStrong in their daily lives today. God wants to use this generation of mothers to do something extraordinary: To train your children to hear God’s voice and to walk in truth no matter where our culture is heading. Through teaching from women who love the Word, encouragement, practical prayer points, and authentic “me-too” moments, MomStrong International is a members only network designed to equip you for a job that only you can do: We dare not rely on human strength for the battles we’re facing right now.
We need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I believe that today’s mothers need a special kind of strength. Let’s face it: Moms today are facing questions that previous generations didn’t even see coming, and even our right to determine what is best for our own children is under fire. If you’re like many Christian moms today, you’ve been reading the headlines and watching the rapid-fire changes in our culture with frustration and fear.